Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"Iron Mistress"

Due to the change in the weather some of us are breaking out the rain bike. That forgotten or used up steed we once coveted or the bike that didn’t quite fit. Maybe it grew old and you found a newer, lighter, and sexier bike. The bike that if not for inclement weather would not leave that hook in the dark corner of the garage. Once upon a time we washed it with love, treated it with respect, and rode it with passion. Now it sits waiting, like your old faithful dog too old to do much, but willing and waiting, for you to once again to turn your attention to the corner and go out to share the road.

My commute took longer, took more effort, and was in general just so-so. The rain blowing sideways and the high volume of traffic wasn’t much help either. Also, with the time change it was dark when I left the house and dark when I got back home. It was a sluggish ride at best with my legs complaining of the different position and geometry knowing they were not powering the usual machine…………….

This morning back upon my sweet Italian “Iron Mistress” (a reference to an old cycling quote that we have been having fun with), with her art deco paint gleaming in the light I plunged into my morning adventure. Her form caressed me lovingly and she responded to my touch with the enthusiasm of a new lover. With speed, grace, and agility she screamed through the corners, launched into the climbs, rocketed down the descents, and hugged me through traffic with a protective embrace. When we were finished I was out of breath exhilarated with endorphins and adrenaline.

Ok, not every one knows or believes in steel the way I do, but the quote is old. And, let’s face it “Carbon Mistress” does not have the same ring (don’t even think about aluminum). However, most of us do have that one bike, the one that fits just right, the one that rides like none before, that has a special place in your heart and garage (or room).

Once the passion of the ride subsided and I came to my senses, I realized that I will now dread rain days even more knowing I will have to leave my “Iron Mistress” behind.

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