Monday, November 3, 2008


This is the beginning. I am not sure where this will go, but we will see. The first order of business is Lance Armstrong's come back. How many world class athletes and champions have made this same mistake? It never works. Their arrogance over rules their common sense. To think that one could come back to world class level after a three year layoff.

I will say that fighting cancer is not the best training tactic and he did manage that one. However, age has a funny way of bringing you back to reality. To drum up all the laundry (especially from the French) for one last Hoorah is questionable at best. Especially under the pretense of promoting cancer awareness. Pulease. Lance was a great athlete and very well may be still, but dude what have you been doing the last three years? I did see a quote from him complaining about all the demands on his time, "when I was an athlete, all I had to do was eat, train, and sleep....", he was complaining about the demands on his time. He wants to hide in the peloton.

I want to remember the old Lance. The miraculous comeback from cancer. Sitting on the edge of my seat during the team time trials, jumping up after "the look" and watching him drop the field like a rock as my friend Mike would say. Watching the faces of the French get redder with each consecutive win. Why destroy that memory just to feed his ego and trust me that's what he is doing. Oh well, fodder for the next blog.

1 comment:

  1. First of all lets see some pix of that sweet Colnago! Second, Lance was always inspiring to me , but his arrogance was troubling. As the accusations mounted I began to defend him. As time has past and so many of his contemporaries have admitted to, or been found guilty by proof or association, its been tougher to be on his side. Having said that, as a athlete he has been spectacular (drug aided or not)at least in the TdF. If nothing else he makes the sport more visable. Lets hope that the real reason he is coming back(to clear his name)works and the sport can begin to gain more respectability , espeacily for all the athlets who work their asses off to get where they are and where they want to be for that moment of glory.
