Wednesday, May 26, 2010

One reason I CrossFit. I have been riding bicycles for more than 20 years completing all sorts of different events from triathlons, centuries, runs, rock climbing and just putting in miles with friends. My training philosophy has always been volume, volume, volume. This past winter I decided to attempt a 200 mile ride. My longest one day ride had been about 130 miles so I wanted a new challenge. I picked the Davis Double because it is a fairly flat ride. Shortly after making this commitment I joined CrossFit VictriX because all I was doing for training was riding about 300 miles per week, but did nothing else. Needless to say my fitness was very imbalanced. I could jump on my bike and hammer out 100 miles without a second thought, but I could not do a pushup or any upper body exercise.
Hello CrossFit, my arrogance and training history told me I could just jump in and catch up in no time. Well that notion was crushed quickly. My butt was handed to me with a vengeance each WOD. My training took new shape as the main focus was CrossFit and the riding was supplementary. As the Davis ride got closer I started to worry that I was not putting in enough miles, but time and my passion for CrossFit kept me from logging the miles in the saddle. My fitness had improved in so many areas, but the “old” philosophy was always in the back of my mind. What would happen?

3:30 am Saturday May 15, 2010 I get up with much apprehension a bit later than I wanted. I had prepared the night before for the most part, but I forgot some stuff. Now further behind apprehension turned to panic. I was able to pull it together and get to Davis on time. Here we go!
The first 50 miles was hard as it was windy (head wind), dark, and I was not very confident. In fact my mind was really messing with me. And to add insult to injury my butt was already starting to complain. Not good!! I rode on thinking I may not finish. Finally the lunch stop came and I rested my poor bootay and refueled. Then we head back (with the wind) and am thinking how fast I am riding. All the doubts disappeared as I flew down the road. Well soon the euphoria of speed gave way to the pain of the saddle. With 30 or so miles to go I could not find a comfortable position in the saddle. All the self doubt took over once again as I struggled with, “will I make it?”
It got dark again and with my lights back on during the last miles which not only took a long time, but felt twice as long. My main motivation was two things; a) Fitness wise I felt good, b) If I could finish a WOD, I could finish this ride. I would ride hard for as long as I could and then rest for a bit. Repeat for another round. Once again the lack of time in the saddle really played havoc on getting comfortable (when you ride a lot you get used to the saddle and it doesn’t hurt). Lessons learned:
a) CrossFit prepares you for life
b) Sport specific training is important (especially on a bicycle, OUCH)
c) Mind over muscle really works
d) I will include more riding in my training
It was a good experience in so many ways. My time was a bit slower than my goal of 14 hours (15:48:00) and the entire trip was about 18 hours. Next year my goal is the California Triple Crown which is three double centuries in a calendar year. Whish me luck, wait, just push me in the daily WOD and I can do just about anything. Now I can do at least 20 pushups, power lifts, Olympic lifts, and many different exercises thanks to CrossFit VictriX. The CrossFit philosophy works. All you have to do is commit. Simple- yes. Easy?-NO. There is nothing easy about CrossFit or training, but it is simple. Just do it!

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