Monday, December 15, 2008


As you can see Trichez Cyclisims is in its infancy. We haven’t even started to crawl yet. Because we live and ride in Northern CA, I thought it would be cool to see if I could get an interview with some local boys that made the big time. So after much research and jumping through a bunch of hoops, I sent out my contact information. I have tried to get a reply to my request for an interview via face to face, phone, and or email with Bob Roll (Oakland), Levi Leipheimer (Santa Rosa), and Chris Horner (Bend, close enough). As you can imagine, there hasn’t been much of a response to some no name blogger in “Cow Town.”

I did receive an email response from Bob Roll, but it was not what I expected or what I was looking for. Now you have to understand I am usually a “the glass is half full” guy. I live life with a positive outlook. Well in a lapse of PMA I was complaining to my wife that I haven’t gotten any response. She said “what do you mean, BOB ROLL emailed you!” She is absolutely right, so here is TC’s interview with Bob Roll:

TC: My name is Scott and I have started a cycling blog in the Sacramento area. I would like to interview Bob for my blog. I can meet with him if he is here in Northern CA or do the interview via telephone. Here is the list of questions I want to ask Bob:
1) Our sport has had a tumultuous couple of years, what do you see for the future?
2) When I first started following cycling it was very hard for an American to get any cycling news, now it is much better. Can you see more live coverage of some of the classics and other grand tours in the future for Americans?
3) What kind of bike do you ride these days?
4) I saw your post on "Old guard vs. New wave". I think we could see some epic battles between Alberto Contador and Andy Schleck which may bring more interest to the sport, what are your thoughts?
5) Any riders we should keep an eye on for the future?
6) What about American riders, anyone on the horizon?
7) Lastly I think you live in Colorado these days, how close are you to the Fat Tire brewery, is that your beer of choice? Got to love their logo!!

(Please understand I am by no means a journalist, as you can see. I was trying to keep things light with questions 3 and 7. I promise to get better as an interviewer.)

Bob: "beer is good, bikes are good-- beer and bikes are fabulous."

There you have it, TC’s first interview.
BOB ROLL, call or email me!

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