Saturday, July 31, 2010

I want to thank all of you that have sent well wishes and prayers. I really appreciate the sentiment. Here is what is going on. My spine is waving like a snake moving along (see pic)and the last disk in my spine is bulging to the left causing irritation to the nerves, hence chronic pain. I finally found a chiropractor that has an x-ray machine to diagnose the problem. I have avoided medical doctors because I will not take drugs or go under the knife which is what the fix is for bulging disks in the medical community. He says he can fix the bulging disk, but not the wavy spine. So where does that leave me? Well the adjustments have relieved some of the pain. I am hoping to get enough relief to at least start exercising again. More than likely it will be mostly on my bike though I plan to continue modified WODs also. I just need to snap out of the depression from the chronic pain and hit the road. I love to ride my bicycle. Anyway there is my sob story. Thanks again to all my friends and family for the prayers. I need them.

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