Tuesday, March 23, 2010

When You Pray For Needs, Do You Really Need?

Have you ever really thought about the Lord's prayer or do you even pray it anymore? Can you find it in the Bible? Do you just rattle off you list of needs or wants. Hopefully there will be some praises and thanksgiving in there as well.

Jesus gave us the example in Matthew 6:9-13 for those of you who haven't found it yet (just kidding)...it took me a while to find it. I found it in my Lutheran hymnal that I got the day I was confirmed on May 18, 1969. It is printed in my church's bulletin every week and we all seem to do it from memory without skipping a beat. I was thinking about it the other day and wondering about when we pray "Give us this day our daily bread" was it physical food that Jesus was talking about or was it for spiritual bread to nourish our hearts and minds? God knows that when I open my cupboards at home there is no shortage of food...especially if I have just been to Costco.

When our brothers in Uganda, Kenya, or even Romania pray that prayer they are actually praying for their daily food. Many are using the cycling end of this ministry to try and help support their families and start business.

Please remember the many blessings we have with multiple bikes and more than we will ever need as we head into the cycling season and keep all our brothers in prayer for their daily bread.

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