Friday, April 9, 2010


I have been swimming, running, and cycling for many years. I started competitive swimming at 10 years old, ahem, some 40 plus years ago. I have that competitive spirit that drove me to race. I love to compete to this day. My goals and abilities are a lot different, but I still give my best effort. The following post is a few years old and still timely. I am not sure if I buy into his drug opinion, yet he does have a point. I definitely agree about the level playing field part as I used to whine about the top athletes that had "more time to train" than I.

This brings me to my point. At CrossFit more training (volume)is not better! In fact, CrossFit Endurance preaches more rest is better. It is all about quality and intensity. From the years of training and racing I suffer from osteoarthritis in both knees. Essentially I have no cartilage left it is literally bone on bone. Two orthopedic surgeons have told me I will need a knee replacement, but because of my age and activity level it is not in the near future. For the time being I get a series of Euflexxa shots about every 8 months. At least I don't have heart problems or a pace maker like the athletes in the following article. I know a few triathletes myself with hip and knee replacements. Read this post from Mark's Daily Apple, part 2 is the most interesting to me.

CrossFit is training for life which is fitness for us all not just elite athletes. So not only train hard, but rest!

Friday, April 2, 2010


CrossFit promotes the Zone or Paledo diets to improve health, fitness, and performance. For years we have been told low fat, high carb for our nutrition intake. The food pyramid is the way to go. Umm NO! Read this post about nutrition from a local CrossFit affiliate CFC’s Very Comprehensive Diet Page. It is really long (but worth the time) so get your Zone or Paleo snack and beverage ready and when you are finished if you are not convinced (once you're revived from the catatonic state), well fire up the ice cream and the couch. Here are easy descriptions for each that were posted at CrossFit VictriX:
Zone – adequate lean protein, healthy fats, and low carb with most of carb from vegetables and fruit but anything is allowed.
Primal – same as above no grains
Paleo – same as both above but also no dairy

You should avoid any type of sugar, NO SUGAR!!

Train Hard!!